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Thursday, October 17

8:30am PDT

Tools of the Trade (Session 1, Track 2)
Thursday October 17, 2024 8:30am - 10:10am PDT
Visualizing Multidimensional Climate Data on the Web with Zarr and @carbonplan/maps
Kata Martin & Shane Loeffler, CarbonPlan
Climate data (and many other scientific datasets) are often massive, multidimensional, and challenging to get into desktop GIS and cartography tools, let alone a web map. @carbonplan/maps is an open-source tool for efficiently visualizing this complex data on the web by leveraging the emerging Zarr format and WebGL. Here we showcase its use in a recent project exploring a new dataset simulating the efficiency of ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE), a carbon removal technique. The OAE Efficiency Map allows exploration of nearly 700 global ocean simulations, allowing scientists and system actors to get a better sense of where and when the most effective carbon removal is possible.

Felt in Action
Mamata Akella, Felt
Felt is a powerful tool for data exploration, spatial analysis, cartography, and collaboration. It enables more people in your organization to work with maps and collaborate in real time through its modern, easy-to-use interface packed with powerful features. Join this talk to learn how to work with a variety of data formats, advanced filtering and search capabilities, robust spatial analysis tools, and intuitive cartographic controls that together, simplify the data exploration and mapmaking process and are uniquely Felt. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced professional, see how Felt improves workflows, enhances team communication, and enables informed decision-making through practical examples and a live demo.

Integrating Use-Specific Styles into a Generalized Map Hierarchy
Lauren James, Apple
Apple’s Maps app is constantly evolving as we create new offerings for our users. Our latest undertaking necessitated integrating new data into an existing hierarchical structure, with emphasis on a considered and balanced redesign of layers. This challenging puzzle included needed technical advancements across several codebases and a cross-functional effort. Maps’ Cartography team will present the design and data decisions behind this undertaking.

A New Tool For Interactive Flow Mapping
Paulo Raposo, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Drawing cartographically-refined origin-destination (OD) flow maps in automated or semi-automated digital contexts remains difficult. This research presents a new, interactive and semi-automated tool for OD flow map creation. Realized in a free and open-source application that runs using Python scripts and web technologies, this tool allows users to adjust the shape of OD flow arrows either universally or on a per-flow basis. A preview of the output flows is rendered live to the user as they make flow path adjustments. Output in georeferenced vector formats is exportable from the app for use in other settings, such as geographic information systems (GIS), web maps, or graphic design software.

Shane Loeffler


Bridget Walker

Monash University, Melbourne

Kata Martin


Paulo Raposo

University of Twente, The Netherlands
Thursday October 17, 2024 8:30am - 10:10am PDT
Pavilion EF - Track 2

10:20am PDT

Cartography & Community: Telling Stories with Maps (Session 2, Track 2)
Thursday October 17, 2024 10:20am - 12:10pm PDT
Mapping Black Women’s Independence: Uncovering Hidden Homeowners
Mia Nigro, Department of Geography at University of Nebraska Omaha
The process of researching and mapping historically disenfranchised populations can be challenging. As part of research with the Omaha Spatial Justice Project, we began investigating historic Black homeownership in Omaha. In the process, we discovered that this included a previously overlooked population of unmarried women homeowners. This paper will discuss the work to identify, locate, and map these homeowners and acknowledge their contributions to the Omaha landscape. This work represents an effort to use cartography to represent “women’s geographies, spaces, and experiences through maps.”

Park Slam Dunk: Scoring with StoryMaps
Eliana Macdonald, Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation
Park Slam Dunk isn’t your average StoryMap—it’s a full-court press of excitement! We’re talking alley-oops of data, crossovers of community engagement, and three-pointers of storytelling. Playbook highlights include:
Full-Court Data Drive: We’ll break down how we dribbled through spreadsheets, slam-dunked project timelines, and bounce-passed budgets. Our secret weapon? A heatmap that shows where we need more dog parks.
Fast Break Narratives: Imagine weaving project updates into halftime pep talks. “Team, we’re down by two swings, but the seesaw pivot is coming in hot!” We’ll share how we kept the crowd engaged with play-by-play narratives.

Branching Out: Navigating Kentucky's Urban Tree Canopy Grant Adventure
Rebecca Ramsey, Kentucky Division of Forestry
In February, the Kentucky Division of Forestry (KDF) launched a $1.8 million Urban and Community Forestry Grant Assistance Program to enhance urban tree canopies in underserved communities. To help applicants, KDF used an ArcGIS Online Web Experience Build featuring an interactive Eligibility Map (based on Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool and Tree Equity Score data), a StoryMap detailing the methodology and grant specifics, Survey123 for initial contact, and a dashboard to track applications. Join us in exploring this Web Experience Build and see how we communicated this groundbreaking grant program and its eligible areas.

Cutting for New Openings: Alternative Representations of a Railway Line
Àlex Muñoz Viso, University of Kentucky
In this paper, I draw from Bergmann and Lally (2021) to explore the possibilities of cutting the map to represent (1) distance in non-mathematical terms and (2) urban space as a human experience. The paper reflects on the process of mapping urban railway infrastructure in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, emphasizing the disruption it creates to both the urban landscape and social life. Thus, the cut disrupts the map replicating how the railway disrupts urban space, opening new blank spaces in the canvas that offer new possibilities for cartographic representation. In my case, it allowed for the creation of a reflective space where testimonies narrate personal and community experiences and stories about life in an urban landscape ripped in half.

Census Maps for Public Knowledge
Jia Zhang, Center for Spatial Research, Columbia University
The census is a data-centric method of governing in theory only. In practice, as with most technocratically designed processes, it is a perfect storm of politics and bureaucracy. To visualize census data for public knowledge is to, on the one hand, show where and how people live, and on the other it is an opportunity to expose some of the hidden infrastructure surrounding how the data is made. This talk will cover a series of 8 maps that attempt to provide new entry points into and build more intuitive readings of large public datasets like the Census. Topics include the structure of census geographies, utilizing satellite imagery for comparisons, and the afterlife of census data in products like the Social Vulnerability Index.
avatar for Rebecca Ramsey

Rebecca Ramsey

Geoprocessing Specialist II, Kentucky Division of Forestry

Mia Nigro

Department of Geography at University of Nebraska Omaha

Eliana Macdonald

Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation

Àlex Muñoz Viso

University of Kentucky

Jia Zhang

Center for Spatial Research, Columbia University
Thursday October 17, 2024 10:20am - 12:10pm PDT
Pavilion EF - Track 2

2:00pm PDT

Innovations & Insights (Session 1, Track 2)
Thursday October 17, 2024 2:00pm - 3:50pm PDT
Raster-to-Vector Heat Maps: Multiscale Visualization Approach to Mapping and Interacting with Big Geospatial Data
Yanbing Chen, University of Wisconsin - Madison
This project is an ongoing project that aims to create a multiscale visualization approach for rendering big geospatial data on the web. By seamlessly transitioning between raster and vector heat maps based on zoom level, the project will enhance the utility and performance of interactive web maps. Using tools like Datamaps, Tippecanoe, and MapboxGL JS, the project will develop a prototype to evaluate optimal transition points and visual consistency techniques. This approach will make geospatial data more accessible and usable, benefiting fields such as urban planning, transportation analysis, and environmental science.

Who Owns Massachusetts?: A New Interactive Map or Identifying Institutional Ownership
Eric Huntley, Asya Aizman, & Milan Chuttani, MIT Department of Urban Studies and Planning
Institutional ownership of residential properties is a matter of urgent concern, but one that is obfuscated by the difficulty of identifying shared ownership given the common practice of creating a different LLC for each property. This presents, among other things, a data science problem, in that identifying the scale of shared ownership requires entity resolution approaches that are dependent on access to multiple large datasets. We will present a new interactive map, Who Owns Massachusetts, that attempts to make discover of institutional ownership possible throughout the Commonwealth. We will introduce the tool's functionality, novel datasets we are making available in building the tool, and future directions for development and research.

All the Joys of Mapping (and Seeing!) the Total Solar Eclipse of 2024
K.K. Rebecca Lai, William B. Davis & Josh Katz, The New York Times
The total solar eclipse of 2024 captured the attention of millions as it crossed North America on April 8, 2024. To help readers get the best experience possible, our team created a cloud forecast map to help readers find the best spots. We will share our design and development process, the lovely reader feedback we got and our own experience of seeing a total solar eclipse for the first time. On eclipse day, we also published a video of satellite imagery showing the shadow of the moon as it passed across the Earth.

Unidrome: Mapping Every Aerodrome Worldwide with Cloud Native Data
Alex Polvi, Barbless Maps
Building on our backcountry aviation mapping journey, the Unidrome project expands to a global scale, unifying all known open datasets to map known place to land an airplane in the world. We'll explore the integration of cloud native data, geospatial analysis, and aviation software, highlighting the innovative methods and challenges encountered. This project also serves as a case study for constructing and organizing cloud-native geospatial data, offering insights and best practices for similar large-scale endeavors.

A Complicated Wilderness: Mapping Guadalupe Mountains National Park
Becca Holdhusen, U.S. National Park Service
Guadalupe Mountains encompasses complex cultural narratives that extend well beyond the park boundary. In this talk, I provide background about the park’s geology, ecology, and cultural history and the ways these pieces have shaped the story of a lesser known park. I review a series of 3D and planimetric maps I made for the park and invite the audience to speculate about ways to include interpretive clues that would give map readers a deeper understanding of the cultural context of the park.

Exploring Intra-Annual Variations in Urban Effects on Precipitation in the Atlanta, GA, USA Region
Olamiposi Fagunloye, Georgia State University
This study investigates the intra-annual variations in urban effects on precipitation in the rapidly urbanizing Atlanta, GA region. By analyzing over two decades of precipitation data from 70 stations, along with land cover, imperviousness, and atmospheric reanalysis data, the research aims to determine the spatial variability and seasonal differences in urban impacts on precipitation totals, frequency, and intensity. Geostatistical techniques like kriging will generate high-resolution precipitation surfaces, while correlation analyses will assess the relationship between upwind urban land and precipitation characteristics. The findings will contribute to a comprehensive understanding of urbanization's influence on precipitation patterns, informing urban planning and water resource management strategies.

William B. Davis

The New York Times

Asya Aizman

MIT Department of Urban Studies and Planning

Milan Chuttani

MIT Department of Urban Studies and Planning

Josh Katz

The New York Times

Becca Holdhusen

U.S. National Park Service

Yanbing Chen

University of Wisconsin - Madison

Eric Huntley

MIT Department of Urban Studies and Planning

K.K. Rebecca Lai

The New York Times

Alex Polvi

Barbless Maps
Thursday October 17, 2024 2:00pm - 3:50pm PDT
Pavilion EF - Track 2

4:00pm PDT

Putting the 'Art' in Cartography (Session 2, Track 2)
Thursday October 17, 2024 4:00pm - 5:30pm PDT
Maps as Poetry
Richard Bohannon, Metro State University—Saint Paul
Maps tell a story, but tell it slant. While they have long been used as narrative aids (such as in Esri’s Story Maps), most maps do not have a linear, narrative structure and the story-telling aspect of mapping is often metaphorical – maps have agendas and perspectives. This paper proposes a complementary, alternative metaphor -- maps as poetry – using historic and contemporary maps to show how poetry might be a helpful model for the work of maps and the map-making process. Both poetry and maps are sparing and restrained – poetry in its use of language, maps in their selections from the landscape. Both also use rhythm and balance (aural for poems, visual for maps) to evoke a particular mood, feeling or tenor. Poetry is a particularly useful metaphor because, like most maps, it can be non-linear, conveying ideas through images without walking the audience directly through their meaning.

Revitalization of a University Building Interior: Abstracting Geographies Through Cartographic Public Art Installations
Cynthia Brewer, Penn State Geography
Public art fits within a broader discourse of university renovation, undertaken to attract and retain students, enhancing the appearance and functionality of campus environments. We describe cartographically inspired floor and wall designs for a renovated space within the Department of Geography at Penn State. Hallway floor designs used pentagonal tiles, creating a coarse rasterization of local physical features and historical movement paths. Back-lit wall panels have a global emphasis. High-contrast shapes were chosen from six continents. They show human (building footprints, parcels, and indigenous land claims) and physical patterns (major rivers, lagoons, and ice). A local panel shows the ridge-and-valley terrain of central Pennsylvania.

The Cartographic Art of the Opposite of Bespoke
Nicholas Bauch, Esri
Pixel-perfect detailing, custom tracing, nudging hex codes: all marks of the artistic precision we adore in powerful cartographic design. But how might we maintain adherence to strong spatial storytelling when creating a large number of maps for an audience who, on average, won’t spend more than 8 seconds reading them? Frequently absent of legends and even text, geographical representation goes to new places when designing maps “at scale.” From the perspective of MapX—the carto team for Esri’s public-facing website—I outline challenges, and share design system strategies that help answer the question: “how to show the beauty and elucidative capacity of cartography when there are nearly 2,500 web pages calling for new, cutting-edge maps?

Drawing Participation: A Real-Time, Peer-to-Peer Tool for Participatory Planning and Design
Carlos Sandoval Olascoaga, Northeastern University
Drawing Participation (DP) was created to increase accessibility and to provide a scalable and open platform for shared planning and design. DP is a peer-to-peer, collaborative Geospatial Computing System tool that integrates drawing, mapping, spatial analysis, version-control, and algorithms for design synthesis. Drawing Participation is a model for collective and collaborative planning methods and interfaces that enable large groups of people to work together in ill-defined design problems. In this presentation we will present, first, the conceptual and technical background of DP, second, the technical implementations of the tool, and third, a case study of the implementation of the tool to collaboratively develop parcel maps in informal settlements in Sub-Saharan Africa.

A Pop-Up Book: Visualizing the Spatial Sensitivity Analysis
Seda Salap-Ayca, Brown University; Zhu Gaocanyue, Emma Hogarth & Georgia Rhodes, Rhode Island School of Design
Sensitivity analysis plays a crucial role in deepening our understanding of models and facilitating clearer communication of their results by accounting for variations in output and their dependency on inputs. When applied spatially, sensitivity analysis generates individual maps for the effects of each input as well as for their interactions. However, the challenge lies in simplifying the visual presentation of spatial sensitivity results. This project is a fusion of art and science designed to address this multidimensional visualization challenge by leveraging a pop-up structure to convey mapping information. The first layer of the book cover features graticules representing latitudes and longitudes, providing a foundational framework. The second layer, constituting the main body of the map, utilizes vibrant color zones to distinguish between regions, while blank spaces denote missing data. These colors, produced through a marbling technique, symbolize the intricate relationship between input and output in spatial models, illustrating how variations in input can yield diverse outputs. The third layer employs Turkish map folding, incorporating paper mechanisms shaped like collapsible houses, which cleverly obscure internal information, necessitating audience interaction to unveil insights. This folding structure transforms the map from two-dimensional to three-dimensional, adding depth and complexity while retaining visual appeal. By integrating artful design with scientific rigor, this project offers a novel approach to conveying spatial sensitivity analysis results, making them more accessible and engaging to a wider audience.

Zhu Gaocanyue

Rhode Island School of Design

Emma Hogarth

Rhode Island School of Design

Georgia Rhodes

Rhode Island School of Design

Cynthia Brewer

The Pennsylvania State University

Richard Bohannon

Metro State University–Saint Paul

Seda Salap-Ayca

Brown University

Carlos Sandoval Olascoaga

Northeastern University
Thursday October 17, 2024 4:00pm - 5:30pm PDT
Pavilion EF - Track 2
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